Violet Lovebird
In the last few years, the color violet has been become the most spectacular mutations, such as in the violet lovebird. Without a doubt, it has turned out as a highly admired color in birds, especially with Africa lovebirds. This mutation was originally developed in Denmark during the late 1980s. The existence of the violet factor produces a solid violet tint all through the body of the lovebird.
On a violet lovebird, the rump color changes from the turquoise blue of the standard peach into a dramatic purple. Violet is semi-dominant and it means that a bird which has inherited the color from both parents can actually exhibit a much deeper and more vivid complexion, also known as ‘double factor violet’ compared to a bird which has inherited the color from a single parent only, also referred to as ‘single factor violet.’ Although double factor birds can show stronger violet color, the intensity of the violet tint in single factor birds can still vary from one bird to another.
A lot of breeders of the violet lovebird feel that the violet tint shows best when it is mixed with the white-faced blue mutation. There are some white-faced blue violets which can appear to be entirely violet birds along with a smooth white face and an impressive purple rump. This can prove to be such as striking arrangement. The existence of the single dark factor can likewise improved the potency of the violet hue as well as the violet all through the lovebird’s body. Nonetheless, in the double factor dark bird, the violet tint is besieged by the dark factor and is usually very hard to distinguish.
During the past couple of years, there are more and more breeders which have become interested in the violet lovebird and as focused on the violet mutation, making the violet mutation easier to find nowadays. There are more variations of the violet lovebirds with some of them showing a little peach tint on their forehead. Some of them show hints of blue and green. It may also become hard to make a distinction between a single violet with one dark factor, also known as medium, from a double violet with one dark factor. A parent bird with double factor violet, when paired with non-violet bird, will produce all single violet babies.
The violet lovebird is among the numerous mutations of the peachfaced lovebird. When you come across the whiteface violet, you will notice that there are great variations in their body color from one shade of violet to another. In their body, it is the violet rump which demonstrates that the lovebird carries the violet factor. The whiteface can also vary from a profound apricot band across their forehead to a pure white mask while the pied violet lovebird came from a pied slate hen and whitefaced violet cock.