Black Lovebird

black faced lovebirdOne of this Black Lovebird is the Black-cheeked Lovebird is mainly green and has a brown head, red beak and white eye rings. It is sometimes seen as a race of Lilian’s Lovebird. This specie of Black Lovebird is common in a relatively small range of Zambia, and is vulnerable to habitat loss. Adults of this type of Black Lovebird have bright red beaks, while juveniles of the species are similar but with a more orange bill. They are loud, which are very similar to those of other Lovebirds.

The Black-cheeked type of Black Lovebird inhabits in deciduous woodland as it needs daily access to water. It is where the surface water exist and with permanent supply. It is listed as vulnerable specie of Black Lovebird since it has a small population which is in decline due to continuous habitat loss, particularly due to gradual dehydration of the water bodies.

This type of Black Lovebird which is the Black-Masked Lovebird has an overall black head and the true feather color is green with a yellow collar. Another consistent characteristic of Black-Masked is its white ring around both eyes. They can be found on inland plateaus in northwest Tanzania, where they dwell in light brushwood and trees.

Friendly and sociable by nature, Black-Masked, Black Lovebird is one of the most popular Black Lovebird that is kept as pets. They are common kept in captivity as a couple and give much attention on their partner. They commonly breed between ten months and five to six years, at this time they can produce several clutches within the year. In buying a Black-Masked make sure they are young birds. This type of Black Lovebird can be easily recognized by a large dark patch on the upper beak, which is not as bright as the red beak of the older ones.

Through the years, several color mutations have been made of this type of Black Lovebird and Black-Masked is now available in several colors. Historically, they have been fed only seed mixes, while they can survive for an extended period of time on such a diet, they fall into poor health. They shell their seeds so vitamins added to the outside are discarded. They are also an easy to breed specie. They are also often in a hurry to begin with another clutch that it may result to abuse the chicks by forcing them out of the nest. Chicks should be removed and hand-fed.

black collared lovebirdAnother type of Black Lovebird is the Black-collared Lovebird also known as Swindern’s Lovebird. A small long parrot, native in Africa, This type of Black Lovebird is mostly green with black collar or band at the back of its neck. It is rarely kept in captivity because of its dietary requirement for a native fig, thus they don’t breed well. Without this vital dietary necessity they will die within days. There are three subspecies of this type of Black Lovebird. It is distributed in a wide range in equatorial Africa. They hide high in the forest shade and are characterized as being very shy. The range is large that the population of this kind of Black Lovebird is difficult to estimate but it was made sure that it is not under significant threat.

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